Tuesday, November 30, 2010


She's dead.

I was too late. I got into the building. I heard her screaming. Screaming for me. I ran to her just in time to hear her dying words.

"Save me Brian."

I didn't though. I couldn't do anything to stop the agent from slitting her throat.

I screamed. The agent ran.

I got to Melody. I held her. I held her for what seemed the longest time and said goodbye.

It's all my fault. From the begining I infected her, I told her about him, I dragged her into this, and I was too late. It's all my fault.

I don't know if I can go on any longer.

Melody I'm so sorry. I love you.

They took her. They FUCKING TOOK HER! I couldn't do anything. FUCKING AGENTS KIDNAPPED MELODY.

Melody I'll find you. I'll get you back. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

All my fault



Sunday, November 28, 2010


Were safe. Found a nice park that we've been staying at. It's so much warmer here in Arizona.

So yesterday we were sitting underneath a tree ( it was like the only tree in the park so no danger from Him) when B gasped. He was looking at some guy in the tree. He was staring right back at us. We ran. We didn't want to take any chances even if he was another runner.

So later that same night we were on the other side of the park when the same guy appeared. He pointed behind us and when we looked guess who was there? His tentacles came out and he stared at B. Then he just up and vanished along with that guy. Very weird.

So I have a theory about becoming hallowed. Remember how I started becoming hallowed? It started happening very rapidly. Before that when Rika kidnapped me I think something happened. At that point in our journey I was becoming more and more scared and I was almost starting to give up hope. When Rika forced me into the dark room I think that... I think that I kind of like just gave up hope. When that happened I felt like something had got into me. Something dark.

I think that triggered the hallowing procesess. That losing hope and thought leaves you open to attack. That's just my theory it may not by true in all circumstances though.


Thursday, November 25, 2010


Yep were in Arizona. Took a while but it was worth it. We no longer have to freeze our asses off when we're running. Hopefully we can settle down a bit here.

Also happy Thanksgiving to anyone who still cares.

So many things have happened though. Nessa's gone. Zero's getting worse and He's probably attacking because of what we did.

But it was worth it. Melody's so much better. I just wish the agents would leave her alone so that she could go back.

Got to find a hotel or something even though we haven't had the best luck with those.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We're hiding. In a Mcdonalds bathroom. We were chased. Shit happened. I killed two.

We had ran from the whole scene yesterday and found a hotel. We checked in and almost immediatly we saw ten of them outside. A whole fucking horde of agents. We saw them enter the hotel and we ran out. We left money to pay so we wouldn't be reported again. We took the elevator down. We ran outside. There were more waiting. Four agents all wearing masks. We ran behind the hotel looking for a weapon or anything. Hope came in the form of a crowbar. I picked it up and faced the agents pushing Melody behind me. They attacked, I swung. The crowbar went into one of the agents stomach. They fell dying. We ran further but Melody tripped and they attacked her. I ran and started hitting anything with a mask. Two ran one stayed. He ran at me and his head met the crowbar.

I feel so different. I mean they were agents but... I just took two lives

Melody's fine she wasn't hurt.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We saw something. Something horrid. Three of them. Three runners. Two boys and a girl.

We had jumped out of our train to get food when we saw about fifty yards away the whole seen. They were running. We almost immediatly knew they were running from him. We just knew. Then the girl tripped. One boy screamed and ran back to help her. The other kept running but He appeared right in front of him and He...... My god. We were in shock. We couldn't move. Then He turned to the two left who were on the ground. We ran away. But we heard things. Terrible screams of agony. Then it all stopped. I threw up. Melody started crying. We could'nt have done anything. But still...

Did He do this on purpose? Just to scare us even more?

And Nessa's being hallowed now too. Why? Why all of this?

Were going to try to get on another train. We cover alot of land that way.


Sunday, November 21, 2010


We're on a train. We jumped on to a boxcar and we've been riding for almost two days. The labtops running out of power so this may be the last post for a day or two. We already crossed the Mississippi river I think. Our plan is to get somwhere warmer, like Arizona or Texas. We just hope the train keeps going that direction.

Before the train we were deciding if it was safe for Melody to go back home seeing as he can't see her. Almost ten minutes later something happened that would change our minds for good. We were walking on the side of a road when we saw three figures all wearing masks on the other side of the road. We ran down a big hill on our side of the road and ran. They were to fast. One of the agents jumped on top of me and pinned me to the ground. I screamed at Melody to run but the two other agents cornered her and pinned her to the ground. I screamed and got through the agents grasp and ran towards the others. Then he appeared. Right in front of me. I fell back and saw him as the tendrils came out. At least ten. I thought that I was going to die right there and I prayed that Melody would get out safe. I felt an imense pain and I blacked out. When I woke up Melody was kneeling over me. She had a blood soaked cloth in one hand and a big bandage from our first aid kit in the other. Then I saw were the blood was coming from. There was a huge gash running across my chest. And it burned. Melody finished bandaging my
wound and she told me what happened. She had also gotten free of the agents grasp and she saw me on the ground in front of him. She grabbed the fire extinguisher we've been carrying and shot him in the back with the spray just as he had hit me with one of his tendrils. She said that he stopped and then gave out a terrible whining noise and disappeared. She said that the agents had then fled as well.

So I'm alright. The cut still stings. Alot. But I'll survive. Battery lights flashing got put this up now.


Thursday, November 18, 2010


We were just attacked. We're both ok don't worry but I learned some disturbing news.

So we're in a hotel on the seventh floor. We chained and locked the door so that no one could get in our room. We went to sleep and about an hour later I woke up. I knew something wasn't right and I saw someone standing in the corner of the room. I lunged at Rika before she could get to Melody. In the struggle I managed to pin her to a wall.
"Just because master doesn't see her anymore doesn't mean I don't. Just because he can't kill her doesn't mean that I can't," she growled as I pinned her down. She reversed me and got up and faced Melody, who had the fire extinguisher in hand.
"Now my dear Melody," Rika said with a sadistic smile. "Why ever would you leave master? You would have made such a good edition. Pity I'm going to have to kill you though.". Melody screamed at her and charged with the extinguisher. Rika grabbed her and threw her too the ground. At this point I had gotten up and I tackled Rika before she could do anything else.
"Your both fools!" Rika yelled and she started laughing. She got to the door. "This will be my last visit. I'm going to Indiana for a little visit with one of your friends. Masters taken quite the liking to him.". And with that she left.

I think you and I know what this means Zero. She's going after you.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quick update

So just a quick update on things. It's been a very long day.
Melody and I are in a hotel. Safe for the moment. It's raining though.

Melody's back to normal. She's more energetic and she's not as paranoid. Thank you Zero. We plan on staying here for awhile unless something happens.



He did it. Zero cured Melody.

But the cost...

I still don't know how Zero is but I really hope he's not hurt.
He cured Melody at the cost of becoming hallowed himself.

I honor him yet resent him for that.

Why Zero? Why would you do that? You tricked me. If you die that's ten times worse than if Melody or I die. We both agree on that. Your a Sage. We're not even titled.

It worked though. Melody's stopped coughing an also she doesn't hear him. We saw him today across the road. She said she didn't hear him or feel anything.

We've moved since and we're in a hotel now. We're safe.

Thank you so much Zero. For everything.


Monday, November 15, 2010

She's back

Rika's back. Not good. Melody and I were staying at another motel and when we woke up this morning the wall had this message carved in it.

J(x)in us.
Y(x)u c(x)uld be s(x)
much m(x)re.
D(x) n(x)t disap(x)int us


We ran. The motel staff shouldn't find us we used fake names. I really don't want to kill anyone but if Rika comes too close...

Melody's not much better. She hasn't talked in a while. I think she's still in shock from everything that's happened.

We're heading South still. Right now we're staying in a service station again. Better than nothing.

We have hope though. I just pray that it will work.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Need Help

Seriously things are getting out of hand.

Melody's gotten worse. I'm still trying to stay strong but I don't know what I can do to stop this.

Since my last post Melody's developed the cough. That's never a good sighn. Then she started frogetting things. She woke up outside of the motel we were staying at and didn't remember going outside. Then today we saw him. Melody saw him and almost immediatly fell to the ground holding her ears. She started screaming and told me to get away before she could hurt me. I couldn't stand it anymore so I grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran outside. As soon as I approached him he disipeared. I ran back to Melody who was crying. I tryed to comfort her as best I could.

What do I do? It's getting worse and worse and I can't let him get to Melody. But how?

Please help


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I read Melody's post. She told me about it first though. I will never let Him get to her nor will she herself. But I do agree that He's trying to hallow her. She told me that she will tell me everything from now on. I trust her.

I can never let her become an agent. I just couldn't live with that. I'll kill him I swear. Next time we see him we agreed that I should try something. Like the fire extinguisher.
Melody said that she will try to block him out if she starts hearing him again.

We have to kill him.

I saw him today.

I didn't tell B though. I didn't want to worry him. But this time when I saw him I heard things. Terrible things. He told me to do them. He's talking to me in my head. He told me too kill B. And the worst part is that He makes me want too. I can't let Him do that to me. He's trying to hallow me. I won't let him do that to me I have to stay strong.

But I'm still scared. So scared.


Monday, November 8, 2010


First off we're both okay. We're hiding out in Mcdonalds right now. Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. So onto other things.

So Melody and I were trappped in that room. Melody woke up and she didn't remember anything. So we waited in darkness until I turned on the laptop. Zero your going to be so proud of this. There was a fire extinguisher on the wall. I took it of and hit the doorknob with it. Suprisingly it worked and the door opened. We made our escape. We ran by moonlight to a hallway in the warehouse. There we could see him tendrils and all one arm placed on the shoulder of that Rika girl. She saw us and rushed us. We ran. Fight or flight and fighting was to risky. We made it to a door and ran outside. Once outside my emotions flooded me. Overcome with anger I turned to the door. There stood Rika with a knife. I charged at her and I somehow managed to dodge the knife. I turned and I hit her with the fire extinguisher. Right in the head. She was knocked out. We didn't stick around. We ran south. Unfourtunetly in the struggle the laptop was dammaged. But it's working now.

So we've been on the run since. Sleeping in bathrooms, the usual. But yesterday something happened. Melody had no memory of what happened when we were separated. Yesterday she remembered. She said that she remembers being forced to her knees and seeing me getting knocked out by It. She said that she thought it had killed me. She then says that she was tied up and carried to a room that was pitch black. Then she said she heard Rika talking. She heard her ask if she was the one. Melody started to cry and said that Rika began to kick her demanding to know if she was the one. Melody said she then remembers Rika forcing her into a wall and holding a knife at her neck. She said that Rika stopped and told her that "master was pleased". She the remembered seeing him step into moonlight from a window and she felt terrible pain and blacked out.

At least I got revenge on Rika for what she did to Melody. I hope to do the same to Him.

So Zero I hear that your one of the new sages. You'll be good at it. You've already helped Melody and I so you should be great at helping others. I'm going to miss Robert though.
